Spiritual Studies
Green Tara College offer a range of spiritual training courses, including Reiki, Shamanism, various forms of Divination and working directly with psychic and spiritual energies.
Holistic and Spiritual Training
Green Tara College offer a range of spiritual training courses, including Reiki, Shamanism, various forms of Divination and working directly with psychic and spiritual energies.
A complete list of all the complementary therapy courses you can learn at Green Tara College. We offer many paths for you to become a professional complementary therapist. Check it out....
The complete range of training in shamanism we have available
Training in managing psychic and spiritual energies (2 days)
Complete training in shamanism which will enable anybody who chooses to work as a shamanic practitioner and gain professional insurance to practice and also for those who wish to learn shamanism for personal use.
Reiki Level 1 training course
traditional usui reiki level 2 training course
training course - reiki level 3 master practitioner
training course in traditional usui reiki level 3
Career opportunities abound with training in complementary therapies from Green Tara College